A few pointers:
1. Make it as simple as you can balancing transparency with providing the right amount of info. (not too much, not too little). This however can be trumped by what’s next…
2. Report the same funds and line items as presented in your budget communication piece to church. It was a summary, right?
3. Report once a quarter. Consistently. Timely.
4. Include points of reference. Include budget. Include previous quarters and prior year to show direction.
Answer the questions:
1. How much money does the church have?
2. How much were the offerings, were they up/down, how do they compare to Budget?
3. How much did we save for the future and for what?
4. Were expenses less or more than income and how do they compare to budget?
Couple other things:
1. Post to your website. Include a link for questions that go to the Finance Team Chair, for example.
2. Or, email the Financial Statement to your membership. Another great way for them to reply with a question. Include a link so goes to appropriate person. It could also serve as a good way to invite those who’ve been MIA back. Perhaps could open up a ministry opportunity.
A Free Template. A few notes:
1. It’s a hybrid Income Statement of sorts in that it includes funding of reserves and could include cash flow items, such as principal payments. You could even modify it to reconcile to change in cash for the funds presented. I’ve done it both ways.
2. Use the Reserves section as see fit. Show church there’s a margin generated to fund Savings for Repairs & Maintenance, Replacement Funds, Capital Spending, Funding of a Church Plant, a Future Building Project, a Future Ministry Launch, etc. Break out those line items as you see fit.
3. Has a section for Non-Finance Stats. I’ve chosen baptism and attendance info, but could be any other metric you deem really important for your church. For example, if you’re really “encouraging” your church to invite others, track/show 1st time guests.
4. The budget and prior year columns always correlate to the same YTD as the actual.
5. Finally, a section for comments:
*Use to clarify, expand on really important things you want to bring out
*Use to issue challenges/confirm vision (Challenge = eliminate summer giving slump, for example).
*Take the time/space to highlight a ministry accomplishment for the quarter
Here’s the Template. [download template=”Qtrly Report Template”]
Let me know what you think.
What format do you use in your church?