Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 manual

Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260

View the manual for the Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 here, for free. This manual comes under the category washing machines and has been rated by 157 people with an average of a 8.3. This manual is available in the following languages: -. Do you have a question about the Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 or do you need help? Ask your question here

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Question and answer

Number of questions: 29 MiguelJanuary 7, 2022

The BOSCH Classixx 5 washing machine has stopped working and no lights turn on. Electricity is reaching the anti-parasite and the circuit board. Does anyone know where the fault could be? Thank you.

View photoThis message has been automatically translated Same question (3) Type your response here Add my comment InesSeptember 1, 2022

I don't have a lot of clothes to wash. Does the washing machine detect the weight of the clothes to be washed? What can I do?

View photoThis message has been automatically translated Same question Type your response here Add my comment CharoApril 8, 2023

I can't set a quick wash program of less than 77 minutes. Please, I need to know how to get one of about 30 minutes.

View photoThis message has been automatically translated Same question (10) Type your response here Add my comment Pavel KrahulecJune 20, 2023

Hello, this appeared on the washing machine and it doesn't wash anymore. I would like to ask how to proceed with washing or what went wrong. Thank you very much for your response and information about the problem.

View photoThis message has been automatically translated Same question (1) Type your response here Add my comment SarahNovember 13, 2023

Only 13 month old and doesn’t start. All lights up so power is there but will not start and door does not lock.

Same question Type your response here Add my comment Marilina CingariNovember 1, 2021

How can the washing times be reduced in the model ClassiXX5 E-NR WAA16162BJ/24? For example, washing time of max. 30-35 minutes. P.S. There is no 'speed' button. Thank you.

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Same question (8) Type your response here Add my comment David KaimowitzMay 21, 2022

What goes in each of the three compartments that appear here? Which is detergent? softener? Something else?

Same question Type your response here Add my comment carolAugust 1, 2022

we need instructions in enlish as to how to use our bosch classix 5 washing machine. we cant understand how to use it. thank you

Same question (1) Type your response here Add my comment Bob Simpson August 11, 2023

How can I empty the water out.The machine has been running for more than 80minutes and won't empty

Same question Type your response here Add my comment MeMay 5, 2024

Door doesn’t open even if i set it to pump out water. The swirl light keeps on lighting

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Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 #1

Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260.

ModelClassixx 5 WAA28260
Productwashing machine
FiletypeUser manual (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 below.

What temperature should I use for my laundry?

The washing label of your garment shows the recommended washing temperature.

Do I need to use an anti-scaling agent for my washing machine?

It is not necessary to use an anti-scaling agent. Scale deposits can be prevented by limiting washing at high temperatures and using the recommended amount of detergent per wash.

How do I prevent my washing machine from smelling?

Unpleasant odours can be avoided by occasionally washing at 60 degrees and using the recommended amount of detergent per wash.

Why is my Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 washing machine not starting?

Ensure that the power cord is securely plugged into a working electrical outlet and that the power switch is turned on.

How can I resolve issues with my washing machine not filling up with water?

Check if the water supply valves are fully open and the hose connections are not kinked or clogged. Additionally, ensure that the water pressure is sufficient for proper operation.

Why is my washing machine Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 not draining the water?

Make sure that the drain hose is not twisted or blocked. Check if the drain pump filter is clean, and if not, clean it to allow proper draining.

How can I handle excessive noise/vibration when using my washing machine?

Verify that the appliance is installed on a leveled surface and that all transportation bolts have been removed. Also, ensure that the laundry is evenly distributed inside the drum.

What should I do if my washing machine's door cannot be opened after a cycle?

Wait for a few minutes, as the door might be in a safety lock mode. If it is still not opening, check if the water level is too high or if there's an issue with the door latch mechanism.

Is the manual of the Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 available in English?

Unfortunately, we do not have the manual for the Bosch Classixx 5 WAA28260 available in English. This manual is available in -.

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