Some of you fine gentlemen may know what I am speaking of from the get go. Throughout his career, Bogie always wore a ring. A gold ring that featured two rubbies with a diamond between them. I am on a quest to replicate this ring for myself, now that the Casablanca dinner jacket is in the can. Do any of you know where I should start, custom jewelry makers perhaps, do you of know any?:cool2:
Bogart Ring
This ring was given to Humphrey DeForest by his father. He whore it in many movies. you can see it if you pay attention.
I bet Betty or Stephen has it now.l
Now that is a great project. Once a good photo or two of it can be gotten, it shouldn't be too hard to replicate it.
I have found several photos of Bogie with the ring on, in a book I have. None of which are super close up, however they are just good enough to see the detail. Mk, perhaps you could look through your Bogie book collection and see what photos you come up with. cool2:
This picture came from a site that sells Bogart rings for presents to groomsmen.
Above picture from, "Beat the Devil". I just saw the DVD over the weekend. It was hilarious.
Wow, nice work, Sergei! I was always under the impression that Bogart's ring had round jewels, not square ones. Oh well.
Seems like there's a decent shot of a "ring" in Casablanca, maybe in the drunk scene? I don't know if it's the same ring or not, but it seemed distinctive. I'll have to check the DVD when I get home tonight.
The Famous Bogart Ring
This is what I like about this site. A person says "I'm looking for the Bogart" and someone else says "You can get it here."
Brother, I'm glad I found you cats!
That ring, and much repopped movie legend jewelry, is here.
Wasn't Bogey's ring cut with round stones?
This reads like J Peterman style text.
"I was an orphan until I was 20, and then a rich and beautiful woman adopted me."
She probably gave him that gorgeous ring as a token of her maternal affection.
I read somewhere that Bogey's dad gave him the ring as a graduation gift.Wiki:
During 1930-1935 period, Bogart had hard times. He shuttled back and forth between Hollywood and the New York stage, suffering long periods without work. His parents were living separately and Belmont died in 1934 in debt, which Bogart eventually paid off. (Bogart inherited his father’s gold ring which he always wore, even in his films. At his father’s deathbed, Bogart finally told Belmont how much he loved him.)
I inherited a ring from my father that is the reverse of this one: red stone in the center, small diamonds on either side.
You can see this ring clearly at Bogart's entrance signing "OK. Rick." on a voucher. He picks up the cigarette, then we see his face, and there's the ring.