For property outside the city of Columbus, call (614) 525‑BITE (2483). Leave a message and your call will be returned.
If you live in the City of Columbus, call (614) 645‑3111 or dial 311.
A Public Health Nuisance means "any condition which is injurious or potentially injurious to the health and safety of the public, or which pollutes the air, land, or water". A public nuisance interfaces with the public as a class, not merely one person or a group of citizens. Our regulations do not give us authority over indoor housing conditions for homeowners. We are only able to enforce indoor regulations (mold, insects, and rodents) in rental units.
We are unable to investigate complaints regarding: Bed bugs, animal hoarding, mold (for homeowners) or condemning a home/abandoned building.
If you would like to make a referral regarding a public health nuisance, please complete the Complaint Form or call (614) 525-3160.
Please note: Clutter or general poor housekeeping is not considered a public health nuisance. Accumulations of clothing, household goods, magazines or other examples of hoarding behavior are not necessarily a public health nuisance.
For animal hoarding or animal welfare, please contact Columbus Humane at (614) 777-7387 or your local Police Department.
For properties located in the City of Columbus, please call (614) 645-3111 or submit an Email Submission Form. For properties located in the City of Worthington, please contact (614) 436-3100.